Want to start a mystery podcast, but unsure what to talk about exactly?

We’ve compiled 50+ mystery podcast topic ideas for you to pick from.

These fresh ideas will spark your creativity and help you stand out.

So let’s dive in!


For more topic ideas visit podcast topic ideas list.

Looking for a name too? Visit our podcast name ideas list.

Unsure, what questions to ask? Visit our podcast questions list.


Mystery Podcast Topics 1-10

1. Unsolved Disappearances: Delve into cases of people who vanished without a trace and the theories that surround their disappearances.

2. Legendary Curses: Explore stories of ancient curses that are said to bring misfortune and death to those who encounter them.

3. Mysterious Artifacts: Discuss enigmatic artifacts found around the world, along with the mysteries and legends tied to them.

4. Paranormal Encounters: Share chilling accounts of ghost sightings, haunted places, and the unexplained experiences of those who have witnessed them.

5. Famous Cold Cases: Investigate famous unsolved crimes and analyze the evidence and suspects involved in these perplexing mysteries.

6. Cryptids and Creatures: Uncover the legends and sightings of mysterious creatures like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and other cryptids.

7. Secret Societies: Reveal the mysterious activities, histories, and conspiracies surrounding secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati.

8. Historical Mysteries: Take a deep dive into puzzling historical events like the disappearance of the Roanoke Colony or the fate of the Amber Room.

9. Alien Abductions: Examine stories of alien abductions, UFO sightings, and government cover-ups related to extraterrestrial encounters.

10. Enigmatic Messages: Investigate cryptic messages and codes that have puzzled experts for years, like the Zodiac Killer’s ciphers or the Voynich Manuscript.


Mystery Podcast Ideas 11-20

11. Haunted Objects: Explore the spooky tales of haunted dolls, cursed paintings, and other objects that are believed to carry malevolent spirits.

12. Strange Disappearances in National Parks: Look into baffling cases of people going missing in national parks, often under mysterious and unexplained circumstances.

13. Mysterious Aviation Disasters: Discuss aviation incidents like missing flights or inexplicable crashes that remain shrouded in mystery.

14. Time Slip Phenomena: Share stories of people who claim to have experienced shifts in time, finding themselves in different eras without explanation.

15. Urban Legends with a Twist: Investigate urban legends that have a mystery element, debunk them or possibly find the kernel of truth they contain.

16. Underwater Mysteries: Delve into strange occurrences and discoveries in the depths of oceans and lakes, such as sunken cities or unidentified submerged objects.

17. Miraculous Survivals: Talk about puzzling cases where individuals survived against all odds, often in ways that seem almost supernatural.

18. Lost Civilizations: Uncover the secrets of ancient lost civilizations, like Atlantis or the Maya, and the mysteries surrounding their disappearance.

19. Phantom Whispers: Discuss eerie instances of disembodied voices heard in various parts of the world and the possible explanations behind them.

20. Vanished Treasure: Examine legendary lost treasures and the mysterious circumstances that led to their disappearance, from pirate gold to hidden royal jewels.


Mystery Podcast Topics 21-30

21. Dream Mysteries: Explore the enigmatic nature of dreams, shared dreams, and those that seem to predict future events or uncover hidden truths.

22. Unexplained Lights in the Sky: Investigate phenomena like the Marfa Lights or other unexplained aerial lights and the potential causes behind them.

23. Mysterious Books: Discuss strange books with unknown origins or unreadable languages, like the Voynich Manuscript or the Codex Seraphinianus.

24. Psychic Phenomena: Examine stories of people with supposed psychic abilities, including telepathy, precognition, and remote viewing.

25. Disappearing Villages: Delve into tales of entire villages that have vanished, leaving behind no trace or explanation.

26. Haunted Historical Sites: Share the haunted histories of notable places that are said to be rife with ghostly activities.

27. Technological Mysteries: Talk about modern-day tech mysteries like the Betz Sphere or unexplained radio signals like the Wow! signal.

28. Eerie Cave Discoveries: Discuss strange findings and phenomena discovered in caves, from ancient relics to ghostly apparitions.

29. Twisted Fate: Explore instances where people’s destinies took strange and unexpected turns, leading to mysterious and unsolved outcomes.

30. Medical Mysteries: Investigate baffling medical cases where patients experienced unexplainable symptoms or miraculous cures without scientific explanation.


Mystery Podcast Ideas 31-40

21. Dream Mysteries: Explore the enigmatic nature of dreams, shared dreams, and those that seem to predict future events or uncover hidden truths.

22. Unexplained Lights in the Sky: Investigate phenomena like the Marfa Lights or other unexplained aerial lights and the potential causes behind them.

23. Mysterious Books: Discuss strange books with unknown origins or unreadable languages, like the Voynich Manuscript or the Codex Seraphinianus.

24. Psychic Phenomena: Examine stories of people with supposed psychic abilities, including telepathy, precognition, and remote viewing.

25. Disappearing Villages: Delve into tales of entire villages that have vanished, leaving behind no trace or explanation.

26. Haunted Historical Sites: Share the haunted histories of notable places that are said to be rife with ghostly activities.

27. Technological Mysteries: Talk about modern-day tech mysteries like the Betz Sphere or unexplained radio signals like the Wow! signal.

28. Eerie Cave Discoveries: Discuss strange findings and phenomena discovered in caves, from ancient relics to ghostly apparitions.

29. Twisted Fate: Explore instances where people’s destinies took strange and unexpected turns, leading to mysterious and unsolved outcomes.

30. Medical Mysteries: Investigate baffling medical cases where patients experienced unexplainable symptoms or miraculous cures without scientific explanation.


Mystery Podcast Topics 41-50

41. The Stone Tapes: Explore instances where it seems buildings or objects record and playback past events like a tape recorder, adding to the allure of paranormal research.

42. Enigmatic Monuments: Delve into mysterious and ancient monuments whose purpose and creation remain unknown, such as Stonehenge or the Easter Island statues.

43. Mysterious Phenomena in Space: Investigate strange events and objects in outer space, from rogue planets to mysterious signals like the Fast Radio Bursts.

44. Cults and their Secrets: Discuss the enigmatic aspects of cults, their secret practices, and unexplained events surrounding them.

45. Man-Made Enigmas: Explore man-made structures with mysterious origins and purposes, such as the Coral Castle or the Antikythera mechanism.

46. Paranormal Claims by Celebrities: Investigate claims made by celebrities who believe they’ve encountered ghosts, UFOs, or other unexplained phenomena.

47. Haunted Roads: Share stories of eerie roads and highways said to be haunted by spirits, mysterious apparitions, or strange occurrences.

48. Mysteries of the Human Mind: Delve into unexplained psychological phenomena, such as spontaneous human combustion or cases of extreme memory loss.

49. Anomalous Weather Events: Discuss rare and unexplained weather phenomena that have puzzled scientists and terrified witnesses, like the blood rain or ball lightning.

50. Mysteries in Mythology: Examine ancient myths and legends that still hold unexplained mysteries, such as the legend of El Dorado or the cursed tomb of King Tut.


FAQ about Podcast Topic Ideas

1. Why Your Podcast Topic Matters

Your podcast’s success depends heavily on the relevance and interest of the topic you choose. A well-chosen topic can:

  • Attract a Niche Audience: When you focus on a specific topic, it’s easier to attract and retain a dedicated group of listeners.
  • Enhance Your Expertise: A specialized topic allows you to become known as an expert in that area, which can build trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Drive Engagement: An interesting topic can generate more downloads, reviews, and social media shares.

2. How do I choose a podcast topic?

Selecting a podcast topic begins with evaluating your interests and passions. It’s crucial to pick something you genuinely enjoy, as this will keep you motivated and engaged over time. Additionally, consider your target audience and what they might find interesting or valuable

3. What are some popular podcast topics?

Some popular podcast topics include:

  • True Crime: Engaging storytelling about real-life mysteries.
  • Personal Development: Tips and strategies for self-improvement.
  • Technology Updates: Insights into the latest tech trends and innovations.
  • Health and Wellness: Discussions around fitness, nutrition, and mental health.

4. Should I focus on a niche topic?

Absolutely! Focusing on a niche topic can help you stand out in a crowded market. By targeting a specific audience or interest, you can create content that resonates more deeply with listeners who share that passion.

5. Can I combine different topics?

Yes, combining various topics can lead to unique content. For example, you could merge travel experiences with food reviews, or mix personal finance advice with entrepreneurial stories. This approach can attract a broader audience while keeping your content fresh.

6. How often should I change my podcast topic?

While consistency is key in building an audience, it’s not uncommon to evolve your podcast topic over time. If you find that your interests shift or your audience desires different content, feel free to adapt. Just ensure that any changes align with what your listeners expect from your show.

7. How can I ensure my podcast remains engaging?

To keep your podcast engaging:

  • Incorporate guest interviews to provide diverse perspectives.
  • Use storytelling techniques to captivate listeners.
  • Encourage listener interaction through Q&A sessions or feedback segments.

8. What if I run out of ideas?

Running out of ideas is common among podcasters. To combat this, consider:

    • Creating a list of potential topics during brainstorming sessions.
    • Following current events related to your niche for timely discussions.
    • Engaging with your audience to understand their interests and questions


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In conclusion, choosing the right podcast topic is important to stand out of the crowd for your mystery podcast.

Now that you have a specific mystery podcast topic to talk about, it’s time to start that podcast.

All the best, happy podcasting! 🎤

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