Want to start a book podcast, but unsure what to talk about exactly?

We’ve compiled 50+ book podcast topic ideas for you to pick from.

These fresh ideas will spark your creativity and help you stand out.

So let’s dive in!


For more topic ideas visit podcast topic ideas list.

Looking for a name too? Visit our podcast name ideas list.

Unsure, what questions to ask? Visit our podcast questions list.


Book Podcast Topics 1-10

1. The life of characters: Dive deep into the lives and motivations of your favorite book characters, exploring their backstories and development.

2. Book to screen adaptations: Discuss how well books are translated into movies and TV shows, what works, and what sometimes fails.

3. Author interviews: Chat with authors about their writing process, their favorite books, and upcoming projects.

4. Genre exploration: Explore different genres like sci-fi, fantasy, romance, and mystery, and recommend must-read books in each category.

5. Historical context: Look at how historical events and periods influence the stories and themes found in books.

6. Book clubs 101: Offer tips and tricks for starting and running a successful book club, including discussion prompts and book recommendations.

7. Hidden gems: Share reviews and analysis of lesser-known books that deserve more attention and love.

8. Fiction or fact: Discuss books that blur the line between fiction and non-fiction, delving into real events and how they are fictionalized.

9. Reading challenges: Encourage listeners to join various reading challenges, discuss your own progress, and suggest books to meet each challenge.

10. Bookish lifestyles: Talk about the lifestyle of avid readers, from creating perfect reading nooks to balancing reading with daily routines.


Book Podcast Ideas 11-20

11. The journey of publishing: Explore the process of how a book goes from an idea in an author’s mind to a published masterpiece.

12. Audiobook experiences: Discuss the rise of audiobooks, the best voice actors, and how they bring stories to life.

13. Series vs. Standalone: Compare and contrast book series with standalone novels, talking about the pros and cons of each format.

14. Reader’s block: Offer tips and advice on how to overcome phases when you just can’t seem to get into reading a book.

15. The bookish community: Highlight book communities online, from BookTube to Bookstagram, and how they foster a love for reading.

16. Literary travel: Share ideas and inspirations for travel destinations based on famous book settings and authors’ hometowns.

17. Book marketing secrets: Discuss the various ways books are marketed, book cover designs, and how titles become bestsellers.

18. Classic vs. modern literature: Debate the merits and drawbacks of classical literature vs. contemporary works, and why each has its loyal followers.

19. Cultural perspectives: Dive into literature from various cultures around the world, discussing different storytelling methods and themes.

20. Bookish tech: Explore how technology impacts reading habits, from e-readers and book apps to social media groups for readers.


Book Podcast Topics 21-30

21. Behind the scenes of book festivals: Explore the world of book festivals, including interviews with organizers and highlights from major events.

22. The impact of banned books: Discuss the reasons behind book bans, famous banned books, and their impact on society and literature.

23. Bookish merchandise: Talk about the various merchandise available for book lovers, from themed candles to bookish apparel.

24. Literary awards: Provide updates and analyses on various literary awards, such as the Booker Prize or the Pulitzer Prize, and discuss what makes the winning books stand out.

25. Children’s literature: Dive into the world of children’s books, discussing classics, new releases, and tips for encouraging kids to read.

26. Bookstore adventures: Share stories and experiences from visiting unique and independent bookstores around the world.

27. Themed reading lists: Create and discuss reading lists based on unique themes, such as Books set in winter or Books featuring strong female leads.

28. Bookish debates: Host lively debates on controversial book topics, such as the merits of using pen names or the ethics of ghostwriting.

29. Interactive book discussions: Invite listeners to send in their thoughts and questions about a book and discuss them on the podcast, creating a shared reading experience.

30. Memoirs and biographies: Delve into the lives of real people through memoirs and biographies, discussing what makes these stories compelling and inspirational.


Book Podcast Ideas 31-40

21. Behind the scenes of book festivals: Explore the world of book festivals, including interviews with organizers and highlights from major events.

22. The impact of banned books: Discuss the reasons behind book bans, famous banned books, and their impact on society and literature.

23. Bookish merchandise: Talk about the various merchandise available for book lovers, from themed candles to bookish apparel.

24. Literary awards: Provide updates and analyses on various literary awards, such as the Booker Prize or the Pulitzer Prize, and discuss what makes the winning books stand out.

25. Children’s literature: Dive into the world of children’s books, discussing classics, new releases, and tips for encouraging kids to read.

26. Bookstore adventures: Share stories and experiences from visiting unique and independent bookstores around the world.

27. Themed reading lists: Create and discuss reading lists based on unique themes, such as Books set in winter or Books featuring strong female leads.

28. Bookish debates: Host lively debates on controversial book topics, such as the merits of using pen names or the ethics of ghostwriting.

29. Interactive book discussions: Invite listeners to send in their thoughts and questions about a book and discuss them on the podcast, creating a shared reading experience.

30. Memoirs and biographies: Delve into the lives of real people through memoirs and biographies, discussing what makes these stories compelling and inspirational.


Book Podcast Topics 41-50

41. Bookish history: Trace the history of famous libraries and the role they’ve played in preserving literature through the ages.

42. Writing hacks: Share practical writing tips that authors use, from overcoming writer’s block to planning out complex plots.

43. Books and mental health: Explore how reading can impact mental health positively, and recommend books that address mental health topics.

44. The art of bookbinding: Highlight the traditional and modern techniques used in bookbinding and how these add value to physical books.

45. Literary controversies: Discuss controversies in the literary world, such as accusations of plagiarism or debates over literary merit.

46. Fantasy world-building: Dive into how authors create intricate fantasy worlds, discussing favorites and what makes them stand out.

47. Reading across ages: Explore how reading preferences change from childhood to adulthood, and recommend books for different life stages.

48. Books and music: Discuss how music and literature intersect, including books inspired by songs and authors’ playlists.

49. Epilogues and prologues: Debate the usefulness and impact of epilogues and prologues in storytelling, with examples from popular books.

50. Book recommendations for life events: Provide curated book lists for specific life events, such as travel, weddings, or new jobs.


FAQ about Podcast Topic Ideas

1. Why Your Podcast Topic Matters

Your podcast’s success depends heavily on the relevance and interest of the topic you choose. A well-chosen topic can:

  • Attract a Niche Audience: When you focus on a specific topic, it’s easier to attract and retain a dedicated group of listeners.
  • Enhance Your Expertise: A specialized topic allows you to become known as an expert in that area, which can build trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Drive Engagement: An interesting topic can generate more downloads, reviews, and social media shares.

2. How do I choose a podcast topic?

Selecting a podcast topic begins with evaluating your interests and passions. It’s crucial to pick something you genuinely enjoy, as this will keep you motivated and engaged over time. Additionally, consider your target audience and what they might find interesting or valuable

3. What are some popular podcast topics?

Some popular podcast topics include:

  • True Crime: Engaging storytelling about real-life mysteries.
  • Personal Development: Tips and strategies for self-improvement.
  • Technology Updates: Insights into the latest tech trends and innovations.
  • Health and Wellness: Discussions around fitness, nutrition, and mental health.

4. Should I focus on a niche topic?

Absolutely! Focusing on a niche topic can help you stand out in a crowded market. By targeting a specific audience or interest, you can create content that resonates more deeply with listeners who share that passion.

5. Can I combine different topics?

Yes, combining various topics can lead to unique content. For example, you could merge travel experiences with food reviews, or mix personal finance advice with entrepreneurial stories. This approach can attract a broader audience while keeping your content fresh.

6. How often should I change my podcast topic?

While consistency is key in building an audience, it’s not uncommon to evolve your podcast topic over time. If you find that your interests shift or your audience desires different content, feel free to adapt. Just ensure that any changes align with what your listeners expect from your show.

7. How can I ensure my podcast remains engaging?

To keep your podcast engaging:

  • Incorporate guest interviews to provide diverse perspectives.
  • Use storytelling techniques to captivate listeners.
  • Encourage listener interaction through Q&A sessions or feedback segments.

8. What if I run out of ideas?

Running out of ideas is common among podcasters. To combat this, consider:

    • Creating a list of potential topics during brainstorming sessions.
    • Following current events related to your niche for timely discussions.
    • Engaging with your audience to understand their interests and questions


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In conclusion, choosing the right podcast topic is important to stand out of the crowd for your book podcast.

Now that you have a specific book podcast topic to talk about, it’s time to start that podcast.

All the best, happy podcasting! 🎤

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