Want to start a harry potter podcast, but unsure what to talk about exactly?

We’ve compiled 50+ harry potter podcast topic ideas for you to pick from.

These fresh ideas will spark your creativity and help you stand out.

So let’s dive in!


For more topic ideas visit podcast topic ideas list.

Looking for a name too? Visit our podcast name ideas list.

Unsure, what questions to ask? Visit our podcast questions list.


Harry Potter Podcast Topics 1-10

1. The History of Hogwarts: Explore the founding of Hogwarts, the four founders, and the secrets hidden within the castle walls.

2. Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them: Discuss various magical creatures from the series, their significance, and how they capture the imagination.

3. The Role of Dumbledore: Dive into Albus Dumbledore’s character, his influence on Harry, and his complex past.

4. Dark Arts and Its Practitioners: Examine the dark side of magic by looking at Voldemort, Death Eaters, and other dark wizards.

5. The Houses of Hogwarts: Analyze the unique traits and histories of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, and what they represent.

6. Potions and Spells: A closer look at the magical potions and spells featured in the series and their cultural origins.

7. Behind the Scenes: How Books Transformed to Movies: Compare the books to the films, discussing differences, character portrayals, and important plot changes.

8. Quidditch Through the Ages: Focus on the sport of Quidditch, its rules, famous matches, and Team Hogwarts.

9. The Impact of Friendship: Analyze the importance of friendship as shown through Harry, Ron, Hermione, and others in overcoming challenges.

10. Fan Theories and What Ifs: Discuss popular fan theories and alternative storylines that could have changed the course of Harry Potter’s journey.


Harry Potter Podcast Ideas 11-20

11. Magical Artifacts: Delve into the significance and history of magical objects like the Elder Wand, Horcruxes, and the Invisibility Cloak.

12. The Daily Lives of Wizards: Examine what daily life looks like in the wizarding world, from education to work and leisure activities.

13. The Marauders Era: Explore the lives of the Marauders (James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter) during their time at Hogwarts and beyond.

14. House-Elves and Other Magical Beings: Take a closer look at the lives and treatment of house-elves like Dobby and Kreacher, and other magical beings.

15. The Ethics of Magic: Discuss the moral dilemmas presented in the books, such as the use of Unforgivable Curses and the concept of blood purity.

16. Hogwarts Professors: Highlight the various Hogwarts professors, their teaching styles, and their impact on the students.

17. Triwizard Tournament: Break down the Triwizard Tournament tasks, the participating schools, and the implications of the competition.

18. Love and Relationships: Explore the various romantic and familial relationships in the series and their impact on the characters’ lives.

19. Villains Beyond Voldemort: Examine lesser-known villains like Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, and Dolores Umbridge.

20. Magical Education Systems: Compare Hogwarts to other magical schools like Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, discussing their teaching methods and cultures.


Harry Potter Podcast Topics 21-30

21. The Library of Hogwarts: Explore the magical books, restricted section, and the importance of the library in student life.

22. The Wizarding World Economy: Discuss how the wizarding economy works, from Gringotts to wizarding businesses and shops.

23. Harry’s Journey: Take a detailed look at Harry Potter’s character development from his first year at Hogwarts to the final battle.

24. The Women of Harry Potter: Analyze the strong female characters in the series, such as Hermione, Ginny, and Professor McGonagall.

25. The Significance of Magical Locations: Explore notable locations like Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, and Godric’s Hollow and their significance to the story.

26. Wizarding Laws and Government: Discuss the intricacies of wizarding laws, the Ministry of Magic, and its various departments.

27. The Influence of Real-World Mythology: Examine how real-world myths and legends have influenced J.K. Rowling’s creation of the magical world.

28. Hidden Symbolism: Decode the symbolism and hidden meanings in the Harry Potter series, from names to recurring themes.

29. The Process of Becoming a Wizard: Outline the different stages and milestones of a wizard’s life, from receiving your letter to becoming an Auror or other professions.

30. Time Travel in Harry Potter: Discuss the use of time travel in the series, focusing on the Time-Turner and the complexities it introduces to the story.


Harry Potter Podcast Ideas 31-40

21. The Library of Hogwarts: Explore the magical books, restricted section, and the importance of the library in student life.

22. The Wizarding World Economy: Discuss how the wizarding economy works, from Gringotts to wizarding businesses and shops.

23. Harry’s Journey: Take a detailed look at Harry Potter’s character development from his first year at Hogwarts to the final battle.

24. The Women of Harry Potter: Analyze the strong female characters in the series, such as Hermione, Ginny, and Professor McGonagall.

25. The Significance of Magical Locations: Explore notable locations like Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, and Godric’s Hollow and their significance to the story.

26. Wizarding Laws and Government: Discuss the intricacies of wizarding laws, the Ministry of Magic, and its various departments.

27. The Influence of Real-World Mythology: Examine how real-world myths and legends have influenced J.K. Rowling’s creation of the magical world.

28. Hidden Symbolism: Decode the symbolism and hidden meanings in the Harry Potter series, from names to recurring themes.

29. The Process of Becoming a Wizard: Outline the different stages and milestones of a wizard’s life, from receiving your letter to becoming an Auror or other professions.

30. Time Travel in Harry Potter: Discuss the use of time travel in the series, focusing on the Time-Turner and the complexities it introduces to the story.


Harry Potter Podcast Topics 41-50

41. The Dursleys’ Influence: Analyze the Dursleys’ role in shaping Harry’s early life and their impact on his character.

42. Animagus and Metamorphmagus: Explore the abilities, challenges, and notable characters who possess these rare magical traits.

43. Wizarding Transportation: Cover various forms of wizarding transport like Apparition, Floo Network, and broomsticks, and their practical applications.

44. The Role of House Points: Discuss the importance and impact of the House Points system on students’ behavior and house competition.

45. Muggle Studies: Dive into the subject of Muggle Studies, its curriculum, and how wizards perceive the non-magical world.

46. The Evolution of Wizard Fashion: Take a look at the types of clothing worn by wizards, how it has changed over time, and its cultural significance.

47. Post-Battle of Hogwarts: Speculate on the future of the wizarding world after the defeat of Voldemort, including political, social, and educational changes.

48. The Role of Media: Examine how journalism and media, like The Daily Prophet and The Quibbler, shape public opinion in the wizarding world.

49. The Life of Severus Snape: Delve deep into Snape’s dual life as a double agent, his motivations, and his ultimate redemption.

50. The Goblin Rebellions: Explore the history, causes, and outcomes of the Goblin Rebellions and their impact on wizard-goblin relations.


FAQ about Podcast Topic Ideas

1. Why Your Podcast Topic Matters

Your podcast’s success depends heavily on the relevance and interest of the topic you choose. A well-chosen topic can:

  • Attract a Niche Audience: When you focus on a specific topic, it’s easier to attract and retain a dedicated group of listeners.
  • Enhance Your Expertise: A specialized topic allows you to become known as an expert in that area, which can build trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Drive Engagement: An interesting topic can generate more downloads, reviews, and social media shares.

2. How do I choose a podcast topic?

Selecting a podcast topic begins with evaluating your interests and passions. It’s crucial to pick something you genuinely enjoy, as this will keep you motivated and engaged over time. Additionally, consider your target audience and what they might find interesting or valuable

3. What are some popular podcast topics?

Some popular podcast topics include:

  • True Crime: Engaging storytelling about real-life mysteries.
  • Personal Development: Tips and strategies for self-improvement.
  • Technology Updates: Insights into the latest tech trends and innovations.
  • Health and Wellness: Discussions around fitness, nutrition, and mental health.

4. Should I focus on a niche topic?

Absolutely! Focusing on a niche topic can help you stand out in a crowded market. By targeting a specific audience or interest, you can create content that resonates more deeply with listeners who share that passion.

5. Can I combine different topics?

Yes, combining various topics can lead to unique content. For example, you could merge travel experiences with food reviews, or mix personal finance advice with entrepreneurial stories. This approach can attract a broader audience while keeping your content fresh.

6. How often should I change my podcast topic?

While consistency is key in building an audience, it’s not uncommon to evolve your podcast topic over time. If you find that your interests shift or your audience desires different content, feel free to adapt. Just ensure that any changes align with what your listeners expect from your show.

7. How can I ensure my podcast remains engaging?

To keep your podcast engaging:

  • Incorporate guest interviews to provide diverse perspectives.
  • Use storytelling techniques to captivate listeners.
  • Encourage listener interaction through Q&A sessions or feedback segments.

8. What if I run out of ideas?

Running out of ideas is common among podcasters. To combat this, consider:

    • Creating a list of potential topics during brainstorming sessions.
    • Following current events related to your niche for timely discussions.
    • Engaging with your audience to understand their interests and questions


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In conclusion, choosing the right podcast topic is important to stand out of the crowd for your harry potter podcast.

Now that you have a specific harry potter podcast topic to talk about, it’s time to start that podcast.

All the best, happy podcasting! 🎤

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