So, you wanna start a ghost podcast? You’ve got the idea, you’ve got the equipment, but there’s one thing missing – the perfect name.

Coming up with a good and creative podcast name can be hard. So, we’ve created a podcast name ideas list of ghost podcast names to choose from along with the best podcast naming tips.

But if you’re feeling overwhelmed with starting your podcast altogether, we can help. So let’s dive in and find the perfect name for your ghost podcast!

Want to start a video podcast instead, visit our youtube channel name ideas list for more name ideas.

Don’t want to lose listeners because of bad audio? Try our podcast management services or podcast editing services today. Let’s chat 🦜


Best Ghost Podcast Name Ideas

Good Ghost Podcast Names

1. Spectral Stories
2. Beyond the Veil
3. Otherworldly Encounters
4. Haunted Histories
5. Eerie Experiences
6. Paranormal Puzzles
7. Apparition Avenue
8. Spooky Shadows
9. Mysterious Murmurs
10. Frightening Frequencies
11. Supernatural Sights
12. Phantom Phenomena
13. Creepy Chronicles
14. Ghostly Glimpses
15. Unearthly Entities
16. Phantom Files
17. Hauntingly Horrific
18. Spine-Tingling Tales
19. Otherworldly Oddities
20. Visions of the Unseen
21. Chilling Curiosities
22. Spectral Surprises
23. Otherworldly Occurrences
24. Mysterious Manifestations
25. Ghostly Gatherings
26. Ectoplasmic Enigmas
27. The Unseen World
28. Phantasmic Phenomenon
29. Cryptic Creatures
30. The Spirit Sphere
31. Mysterious Messages
32. Supernatural Secrets
33. Eerie Evocations
34. Ghostly Gazes
35. Spectral Sensations
36. Whispering Whispers
37. Otherworldly Objects
38. Paranormal Possibilities
39. Spirits Abound
40. Mysterious Musings
41. Ghostly Games
42. Supernatural Solutions
43. Enigmatic Encounters
44. Beyond the Beyond
45. Cryptic Conversations
46. Specters Speak
47. Unseen Dimensions
48. Haunting Happenings
49. Mysterious Memories
50. Spooky Soundwaves

Interesting Ghost Podcast Names

1. Spectral Giggles
2. Haunt Humor Hour
3. Phantom Phunnies
4. Apparition Antics
5. Spirit Spurts
6. Ghostly Guffaws
7. Ethereal Eclat
8. Wraith Wrinkles
9. Poltergeist Parables
10. Supernatural Snickers
11. Hilarious Hauntings
12. Ghoul Grins
13. Phantom Phrases
14. Casper’s Chuckles
15. Ectoplasm Entertainment
16. Spooky Snickers Show
17. Otherworldly Oddities
18. Chuckle Chains
19. Transparent Titters
20. Boo-tiful Banter
21. Jovial Jinxes
22. Laughter from Limbo
23. Paranormal Punchlines
24. Corporeal Capers
25. Soulful Satire
26. Giggly Ghosts
27. Apparitional Antics
28. Phantom Phantasmagoria
29. Jesting Jinn
30. Witty Wraiths
31. Grin & Ghost It
32. Specter Shenanigans
33. Guffawing Ghosties
34. Ghostly Giggling Gallery
35. Haunting Hilarity Haven
36. Laughter in the Afterlife
37. Spine-Tickling Spirits
38. Casper’s Comedy Cabaret
39. Ghostbusters Giggles
40. Transcendent Titters
41. Chuckling Chains
42. Humerus Haunts
43. Ghostly Glee Gazette
44. Phantasmal Funnies
45. Soul Spectacles
46. Supernatural Smiles
47. Hauntingly Hilarious
48. Spooky Stand-up
49. Eerie Eccentricities
50. Laughing in Limbo

Catchy Ghost Podcast Names

1. Fading Echoes
2. Shadow Speech
3. Whispering Souls
4. The Spectral Shift
5. Unseen Presences
6. Phantom Voices
7. Haunted Histories
8. Eerie Encounters
9. Supernatural Waves
10. Occult Oddities
11. Beyond the Veil
12. Paranormal Passages
13. Phantom Phenomena
14. Mystic Messages
15. Spectral Signals
16. Ghostly Chronicles
17. Mysterious Whispers
18. Spirit Stories
19. Cryptic Communications
20. The Haunted Hour
21. Otherworldly Occurrences
22. Phantom Frequencies
23. Urban Legends Unmasked
24. Abandoned Adventures
25. A Ghostly Gathering
26. Spooky Stories
27. Secret Histories
28. Mystical Musings
29. Strange Signals
30. Shadowy Spaces
31. Unexplained Echoes
32. Ectoplasmic Enigmas
33. Banshee Broadcasts
34. Cryptic Conundrums
35. Ghostly Guises
36. Phantom Phantasms
37. Mystic Murmurs
38. Creepy Chronicles
39. Ghostly Gossip
40. Haunted Happenings
41. Spectral Stories
42. Mysterious Murmurs
43. Tentative Terrors
44. Otherworldly Outcomes
45. Cryptic Chronicles
46. Phantom Phenomenons
47. Mystic Messages
48. The Ethereal Hour
49. Enigmatic Entities
50. Shadowy Specters

Interesting Ghost Podcast Names

1. Spirits Among Us
2. Phantom Tales
3. Apparition Avenue
4. Unseen Phenomenon
5. Haunted Halls
6. Eerie Encounters
7. Shadowy Specters
8. Otherworldly Occurrences
9. Mysterious Manifestations
10. Poltergeist Palace
11. Spectral Stories
12. Spooky Signals
13. Ghostly Greetings
14. Creepy Chronicles
15. Unexplained Eruptions
16. Phantom Frequencies
17. Shrouded in Mystery
18. Cursed Corners
19. Paranormal Pulse
20. Ghostly Narratives
21. Supernatural Signals
22. Manifestations of the Dead
23. Dark Delusions
24. Ectoplasmic Episodes
25. Ghostly Whispers
26. Emanations of the Other Side
27. Phantasmal Fables
28. Twisted Tales of the Unknown
29. Otherworldly Odysseys
30. Haunting Hysteria
31. Mysterious Mediums
32. Enigmatic Enigmas
33. The Haunted Histories
34. Euphoric Encounters
35. Dark Descent
36. Shadowy Shrieks
37. Spectral Sagas
38. Ghostly Getaways
39. Spooky Signals
40. Cursed Corridors
41. Phantom Phenomena
42. Ethereal Experiences
43. Terror Tales
44. Bizarre Beliefs
45. Haunted Happenings
46. Paranormal Podcasts
47. Ghostly Glimpses
48. Otherworldly Odyssey
49. Dark Dimensions
50. Spectral Specialists

Creative Ghost Podcast Names

1. Phantom Chronicles
2. Supernatural Soundwaves
3. Otherworldly Audio Adventures
4. Spectral Speak
5. Eerie Echoes
6. Haunting Harmonies
7. Paranormal Pulse
8. Spooky Stories and More
9. Ghostly Gathering
10. Ghoul Talk
11. Shadow Speak
12. Twilight Tones
13. Soulful Spirits
14. Mysterious Musings
15. Whispering Wisdom
16. Twilight Talks
17. Phantom Philes
18. Apparition Audio
19. Phantom Pod
20. Ectoplasmic Episodes
21. Pathos of the Paranormal
22. Supernatural Speak
23. Ghostly Gossip
24. Horror Hotline
25. Phantasmal Productions
26. Midnight Murmurs
27. The Haunting Hour
28. Spirit Speak
29. Semblances and Spooks
30. Beyond the Veil
31. Ghostly Grooves
32. Phantom Phantoms
33. Cryptic Chronicles
34. Ethereal Echoes
35. Eerie Entanglements
36. The Ghostly Hour
37. Spectral Stories
38. Phantom Frequencies
39. Otherworldly Observations
40. Ghostly Guidance
41. Supernatural Soundbites
42. Phantom Phantasia
43. Mysterium Murmurs
44. Etherial Entities
45. The Occult Hour
46. Haunted Hues
47. Ephemeral Echoes
48. Ghostly Gazette
49. Phantom Phenomena
50. Otherworldly Odyssey.

Cool Ghost Podcast Names

1. Haunting Histories
2. Paranormal Playground
3. Spooky Stories
4. Beyond the Veil
5. Shadowland Secrets
6. Phantom Phenomena
7. Ghostly Gossip
8. Enigmatic Entities
9. Spectral Shenanigans
10. Eerie Encounters
11. Unseen Undead
12. Creepy Chronicles
13. Otherworldly Oddities
14. Ethereal Experiences
15. Mystic Musings
16. Supernatural Sightings
17. Ghostly Gatherings
18. Cryptic Conversations
19. Mysterious Memoirs
20. Unexplained Occurrences
21. Haunt Hunting
22. Mystic Myths
23. Paranormal Pursuits
24. Enchanted Entities
25. Spooky Specters
26. Beneath the Beyond
27. Ethereal Explorations
28. Phantom Phantasmagoria
29. Shadowy Side
30. Mystic Maps
31. Paranormal Puzzles
32. Haunted Historians
33. Cryptic Chronicles
34. Ethereal Episodes
35. Ghostly Gremlins
36. Supernatural Sagas
37. Enchanted Epiphanies
38. Otherworldly Observations
39. Phantom Phantasies
40. Mysterious Muses
41. Spooky Sessions
42. Haunted Halls
43. Mystic Mortals
44. Cryptic Conversations
45. Phantom Phantasm
46. Enchanted Encounters
47. Supernatural Spooks
48. Ghostly Grooves
49. Mystic Moments
50. In Search of Spirits.

Unique Ghost Podcast Names

1. The Spectral Shift
2. Restless Spirits
3. Haunted Histories
4. Phantom Frequencies
5. Mysterious Realms
6. Apparitional Encounters
7. Eerie Echoes
8. The Unseen World
9. Shadows and Secrets
10. Otherworldly Occurrences
11. Wraiths and Whispers
12. The Unexplainable
13. Supernatural Stories
14. Occult Omissions
15. The Paranormal Pulse
16. Strange Hauntings
17. Ghostly Gatherings
18. Phantom Phenomena
19. Unearthly Experiences
20. Haunted Memories
21. Spirits of the Beyond
22. Otherworldly Observations
23. The Unknown Realm
24. The Esoteric Edge
25. Bizarre Spectacles
26. Mystical Manifestations
27. Shadowy Tales
28. Unseen Connections
29. Haunted Insights
30. Visions of the Other Side
31. The Ghostly Gazette
32. Transcending Boundaries
33. Intangible Intrigues
34. The Beyond Perception
35. Whispers from the Void
36. Ghostly Illuminations
37. Supernatural Surprises
38. Enigmatic Engagements
39. The Invisible Incidents
40. Mysterious Movements
41. Haunting Horizons
42. Ethereal Engagements
43. Window to the Other Side
44. Apparitional Analysis
45. Enchanted Encounters
46. Veiled Visions
47. The Unseen Real
48. Phantom Perspectives
49. Ethereal Entities
50. Celestial Connections

Cute Ghost Podcast Names

1. Boo Bash
2. Phantom Friends
3. Spectral Squad
4. Spirits and Such
5. Haunted Happenings
6. Ghoulish Grins
7. Witching Hour
8. Spooky Stories
9. Creepy Chronicles
10. Eerie Encounters
11. Otherworldly Occurrences
12. Supernatural Situations
13. Mysterious Musings
14. Poltergeist Presents
15. Phantasmic Folklore
16. Paranormal Podcast
17. Apparition Avenue
18. Ghostly Giggles
19. Fiendish Frights
20. Gruesome Goodbyes
21. Shadowy Shenanigans
22. Crepuscular Confessions
23. Wraith World
24. Pale Cadavers
25. Ethereal Echoes
26. Midnight Moans
27. Grim Giggles
28. Vengeful Visions
29. Specter Speak
30. Haunted Hilarity
31. Soulful Serenades
32. Ectoplasmic Entertainers
33. Cursed Chronicles
34. Super Spooks
35. Unearthly Upheavals
36. Scary Stories
37. Otherworld Observations
38. Phantasmal Phenomena
39. Spine-chilling Shenanigans
40. Paranormal Plots
41. Apparitional Adventures
42. Ghostly Goodies
43. Sinister Spirits
44. Mysterious Meanderings
45. Otherworld Oddities
46. Spectral Stories
47. Ethereal Enigmas
48. Grim Ghouls
49. Haunted Hearsay
50. Spooktacular Serenades

Clever Ghost Podcast Names

1. The Spectral Chronicles
2. Beyond the Veil
3. Phantom Frequency
4. Haunted Histories
5. The Ectoplasm Hour
6. Otherworldly Occurrences
7. Supernatural Stories
8. The Poltergeist Perspective
9. Spooky Tales
10. Occult Origins
11. The Haunting Hour
12. Dark Dimension Disclosures
13. The Shadow Symposium
14. Creepy Chronicles
15. Mansion Mysteries
16. Cryptic Conversations
17. Ghastly Gossip
18. Paranormal Puzzles
19. The Ghostly Gazette
20. Spirits Speak
21. Mystical Musings
22. Depths of the Unknown
23. Wraith Watch
24. Ghostly Encounters
25. Specters Speak
26. The Unseen Realm
27. Phantom Phenomena
28. Otherworldly Observations
29. Hellish Histories
30. Supernatural Secrets
31. The Apparition Hour
32. Haunted Histories Revisited
33. The Occult Observer
34. Beyond the Grave
35. The Eerie Expedition
36. Shadows and Spirits
37. The Ghost Hunter’s Guide
38. Ghost Stories Unleashed
39. The Phantom Files
40. Unexplained Universe
41. Otherworldly Occurrences Uncovered
42. The Spectral Spotlight
43. Spirits and Shades
44. The Cryptic Cast
45. Paranormal Pursuits
46. Spooky Saga
47. Ghostly Growls
48. The Ethereal Experience
49. Otherworldly Adventures
50. Ghostly Gabs

Great Ghost Podcast Names

1. Haunted Histories
2. Paranormal Pulse
3. Spirits Unleashed
4. Eerie Encounters
5. The Unseen Realm
6. Beyond the Veil
7. Phantasmagoria
8. The Other Side
9. Supernatural Stories
10. Ghostly Whispers
11. Spectral Secrets
12. Shadowland Chronicles
13. The Haunting Hour
14. Mystic Mingle
15. A Touch of the Afterlife
16. Phantom Phenomenon
17. Mysterious Manifestations
18. Apparition Avenue
19. Ghostly Hues
20. Afterlife Adventures
21. Chills and Thrills
22. The Spooky Sessions
23. Haunted Happenings
24. Specter Station
25. The Spirit Guide
26. Supernatural Insights
27. The Ethereal Edge
28. Ghostly Visions
29. Spiritual Safari
30. The Wraith Report
31. Paranormal Playbook
32. The Soul Search
33. Phantom Ponderings
34. Spectral Surprises
35. The Haunted Hills
36. Beyond Belief
37. Ghost Hunters HQ
38. Supernatural Symposium
39. The Phantom Files
40. Spooky Speak
41. The Ectoplasmic Encounter
42. Shadows and Whispers
43. Clairvoyant Chronicles
44. The Afterlife Awaits
45. Ghost and Apparition Avenue
46. Haunting Tales
47. Ghost Guide
48. Paranormal Pathways
49. Ethereal Expeditions
50. The Ghost Patrol


Best Tips for Naming Your Ghost Podcast


  • Keep it short: Aim for a concise name that’s easy to remember and won’t be truncated in podcast directories.
  • Use 1-3 keywords max: Make your podcast searchable/SEO-rich by adding 1-3 keywords in the name, but avoid keyword stuffing it.
  • Keep it relevant: Make sure your podcast name reflects your show’s topic or theme.
  • Say it out loud: Test your podcast name by saying it aloud to make sure it sounds good and rolls off the tongue.
  • Make it easy to say/spell: Avoid complicated or obscure words and spellings that might confuse potential listeners.
  • Avoid the word ‘podcast’: Your show is already listed in podcast directories, so you don’t need to include the word ‘podcast’ in the name.
  • Avoid existing show names: Research similar podcast names and avoid using one that’s already taken to prevent confusion.
  • Get feedback from peers: Ask for honest feedback from friends or colleagues to gauge their thoughts and impressions of your podcast name.
  • Use name generators: Utilize podcast name generators to help brainstorm ideas and generate unique and creative names.


Ghost Podcast Names FAQs


1. Do podcast name matter?

Your podcast name is the first thing potential listeners will see and hear about your show. It’s the name that will appear on directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and it’s the name that people will use to search for your show. In short, your podcast name is one of the most important elements of your brand. A great podcast name can help you stand out in a crowded field, attract new listeners, and establish your podcast as a must-listen.


2. How to check if my ghost podcast name is taken?

To check if a podcast name is taken, start with a Google search, then search every podcast directory like Apple Podcast, Spotify, and others. Use Namecheap to check domain availability & Namecheckr to check social handles availability. Avoid using existing/trademarked podcast names.


3. Can two podcasts have the same name?

Technically yes, over two podcasts can have the same name in the US, unless one holds a trademark. But, having a unique name can help with brand recognition and avoid confusion. Before launching a new podcast, it’s crucial to check for existing names and pick an unused name.


4. Should I use my real name on a podcast?

Using your real name on a podcast is a personal decision that depends on your comfort level with privacy and public exposure. Consider the content and purpose of your podcast, potential audience, and potential consequences before making a decision.


5. Can I change my podcast name later?

Yes, you can change your podcast name later. However, it’s important to consider the potential impact on your branding, audience recognition, and SEO. Updating your podcast name may require changes to your artwork, website, and social media accounts.


6. How long should a podcast name be?

A podcast name should be concise and memorable, ideally between 3-5 words and no more than 50 characters. This allows for easy recognition and sharing on social media platforms.


How To Start A Ghost Podcast

1. Choose Your Niche

Select a passion for your podcast, like true crime or tech trends, to resonate with your audience.

2. Pick a Podcast Name

Brainstorm catchy names that are relevant and memorable, as your podcast name is your brand.

3. Quality Equipment

Invest in a decent microphone, headphones, and audio editing software for clear and crisp audio.

4. Content Plan

Outline episodes in advance, plan topics, structure, and consider engaging your audience with podcast questions.

5. Recording and Editing

Find a quiet space to record and edit out unnecessary elements for a polished final product.

6. Hosting Platform

Choose a reliable hosting platform like Libsyn, Podbean, or Anchor for storing and distributing your episodes.

7. Publish and Promote

Once polished, publish on your platform and promote through social media, collaborations, and audience engagement.


Other Podcast Names

Anime Podcast Names
Art Podcast Names
Basketball Podcast Names
Beauty Podcast Names
Best Friend Podcast Names
Bible Podcast Names
Black Girl Podcast Names
Book Podcast Names
Book Review Podcast Names
Business Podcast Names
Catholic Podcast Names
Christian Podcast Names
College Football Podcast Names
Comedy Podcast Names
Couples Podcast Names
Crime Podcast Names
Dance Podcast Names
Dating Podcast Names
Disney Podcast Names
D&D Podcast Names
Educational Podcast Names
Entertainment Podcast Names
Family Podcast Names
Fashion Podcast Names
Female Podcast Names
Filipino Podcast Names
Finance Podcast Names
Financial Podcast Names
Football Podcast Names
Friends Podcast Names
Fun Podcast Names
Funny Podcast Names
Gaming Podcast Names
Gay Podcast Names
Girl Podcast Names
Gossip Podcast Names
Guys Podcast Names
Halloween Podcast Names
Harry Potter Podcast Names
Health Podcast Names
Hip Hop Podcast Names
History Podcast Names
Hockey Podcast Names
Horror Podcast Names
HR Podcast Names
Indonesian Podcast Names
Inspirational Podcast Names
Interview Podcast Names
Islamic Podcast Names
K-Pop Podcast Names
Law Podcast Names
Leadership Podcast Names
Legal Podcast Names
LGBTQ Podcast Names
Life Podcast Names
Lifestyle Podcast Names
Literary Podcast Names
Mental Health Podcast Names
MMA Podcast Names
Mom Podcast Names
Motivational Podcast Names
Movies Podcast Names
Music Podcast Names
News Podcast Names
NFL Podcast Names
Nursing Podcast Names
Outdoor Podcast Names
Paranormal Podcast Names
Parenting Podcast Names
Personal Podcast Names
Queer Podcast Names
Real Estate Podcast Names
Religious Podcast Names
RPG Podcast Names
Science Podcast Names
Serial Killer Podcast Names
Siblings Podcast Names
Sisters Podcast Names
Soccer Podcast Names
Spiritual Podcast Names
Sports Podcast Names
Star Wars Podcast Names
Storytime Podcast Names
Students Podcast Names
Teacher Podcast Names
Therapy Podcast Names
Travel Podcast Names
True Crime Podcast Names
Video Game Podcast Names
Weed Podcast Names
Wellness Podcast Names
Woman Podcast Names
Wrestling Podcast Names
Youtube Channel Podcast Names
Spanish Podcast Names
Golf Podcast Names
Baseball Podcast Names
Tech Podcast Names
Pop Culture Podcast Names
Teenager Podcast Names
Husband And Wife Podcast Names
Medical Podcast Names
Marketing Podcast Names
Healthcare Podcast Names
Fitness Podcast Names



In conclusion, coming up with a great podcast name is important for attracting new listeners and building your brand.

Hope you enjoyed reading this blog. If you want us to help you start a ghost podcast, let’s chat 🦜

Need help with editing, try our podcast editing services today.

Happy podcasting 🎤!

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