So, you wanna start an indonesian podcast? You’ve got the idea, you’ve got the equipment, but there’s one thing missing – the perfect name.

Coming up with a good and creative podcast name can be hard. So, we’ve created a podcast name ideas list of indonesian podcast names to choose from along with the best podcast naming tips.

But if you’re feeling overwhelmed with starting your podcast altogether, we can help. So let’s dive in and find the perfect name for your indonesian podcast!

Want to start a video podcast instead, visit our youtube channel name ideas list for more name ideas.

Need a podcast topic idea? Visit the best podcast topic ideas list on the internet.

Unsure, what questions to ask? Visit our podcast questions list.

Need a podcast editor? Visit podcast editing service today!


Best Indonesian Podcast Name Ideas

Good Indonesian Podcast Names

1. Podcast Yap
2. Dunia dari Rantau
3. A Trip Through Pemikiran
4. Cerita Berbagi Kebaikan
5. The Bicara yang Virtual
6. Perbincangan Pendengar
7. Forbidden Words
8. The Right Kesimpulan
9. Bahas Bersama Kita
10. Seluruh Dunia dari Tempat
11. Talk Story
12. Belajar Bercerita
13. The Suara Nusantara
14. Berbicara Baru
15. Saya Nurani
16. Menunjukkan Rasa Syukur
17. Jelajah Iman
18. Mengenali Cinta Kita
19. Besar Kebaikan
20. Kreasi Perdebatan
21. Inquisitif Intelektual
22. Tatap Harapan
23. Kompas yang Benar
24. Budaya Menara
25. Brothers in New Tongue
26. Kubu Semangat
27. Berbeda Pendengar
28. Sahabat di Setiap Berbicara
29. Jenisnya Kebenaran
30. Atas Pendengaran
31. Keajaiban Mengungkapkan
32. Stok Suara Kebenaran
33. Lebih Daripada Pendengaran
34. Percaya Diri Dari Komunikasi
35. Dialects of Jabar
36. Jalan-jalan Fakta
37. Suara Dimensi
38. Makna Di Balik Dialects
39. Ideas in Disguise
40. Kebergantungan Diskusi
41. Suara Simpati
42. Perspektif Nusantara
43. Berdialog Tentang Kata-kata
44. Mengungkapkan yang Terpendam
45. Dialog Benar yang Benar
46. Lalu Lintas Kata
47. Tenang Bahas
48. Arus Listrik Berbicara
49. IKAT Suara
50. Rangkaian Ide

Interesting Indonesian Podcast Names

1. Beralih Galau
2. Gesekan Gokil
3. Koin Gembar-gembor
4. Tak Mau Pulang
5. Gelak Gebrak
6. Senyum Manisnya
7. Ngamuk Rapat
8. Ririk Histeris
9. Sarapan Lucu
10. Awas Kebingungan
11. Lawak Gengsi
12. Senggol Binal
13. Yang Mengagumkan
14. Terjebak Keukeuh
15. Kejutan Doyan
16. Zubair Bikin Heboh
17. Nyenengin Cemerlang
18. Terkena Batunya
19. Paparan Cantik
20. Gulung Tikar Loyo
21. Sembur Ketawa Segar
22. Bergerak Krispi
23. Berseliweran Gembira
24. Sakan Piknik Main-main
25. Tertabrak Gokil
26. Istana Gombal
27. Berkelahi Tahanan
28. Monyet Gombloh
29. Peringatan Tunda
30. Pukul Keenam Bermain
31. Kebo Debling
32. Cerahkan Kalbu
33. Perosotan Marak
34. Bunyi Deras Kacau
35. Sombong Es Krim
36. Srutan Petinggi
37. Ngobrol Bokapnya
38. Udah Penat Ceria
39. Pecah Duduk Gemuruh
40. Haus Ombak
41. Kebluk Ria
42. Besar Tegah lari
43. Pingin Ngajengin
44. Boring Lirik
45. Watu Gelisah
46. Meriah Pontang-panting
47. Toros Kolong
48. Naik Kumuh
49. Botak Riang
50. Tergokil Mantabnya

Catchy Indonesian Podcast Names

1. Storytelling Java
2. Unravelling Bali
3. Sumatra Tales
4. Voices of Kalimantan
5. Yogyakarta Chronicles
6. Mawar Bunda
7. Ideas Timur
8. Papua Ubud
9. Jambi Waves
10. Sulawesi Connections
11. Lost in Lombok
12. Questioning Jakarta
13. Sulawesi Stories
14. Platform Cilegon
15. Mysteries of Java
16. Tidbits of Sumatra
17. Borneo Adventures
18. Surabaya Tribulations
19. Lampung’s Diversity
20. Music of Sulawesi
21. Live from Banten
22. Rumah Mimpi
23. Jawa’s Revelations
24. Musical Bali
25. Memories of Merauke
26. Sounds of West Timur
27. Wind of Belitung
28. North Sulawesi Radio
29. JavaQuest
30. Serendipity Times
31. Exploring Riau
32. Makassar Conversations
33. Discover Bandung
34. Sumatra Buzz
35. Papuan People Voices
36. Kalimantan Reflections
37. Cirebon FM
38. Singkawang Sound
39. Tales of Lombok
40. Bandar’s Boom
41. Semarang Symposiums
42. Central Java Connect
43. South Sulawesi Sounds
44. New Era in Jakarta
45. East Java Networks
46. Borneo Music Show
47. Pleasure of Pontianak
48. Tamansari’s Experiment
49. Diverse Voices of Jakarta
50. Majalengka Vibes

Interesting Indonesian Podcast Names

1. Story Catchers
2. Bicara Radio
3. Asia Inspire
4. Bicara Pemikiran
5. Ceramah Ide
6. Suara Naik Desa
7. Diari Budaya
8. Diskusi Agama
9. Voice of Nation
10. Komunitas Berseru
11. Bersharing Vokal
12. Gelombang Resonansi
13. Jogja Segera
14. Indonesia Perspective
15. Music Sharing
16. Inspirindo
17. Keluar Radio
18. Believe Indonesia
19. Pedalaman Hati
20. The Horison
21. Kesastraan Indah
22. Pintar Paradigma
23. Akar Dari Bawah
24. Peluklah Seni
25. Indonesia on Air
26. Express Art
27. Change Maker
28. Dimensi Kreatif
29. Ekologi Citizen
30. Debunga Karir
31. Siaran Wanita
32. Eco-komunikasi
33. Greetings at Daybreak
34. Voice of Foresight
35. Seni Semesta
36. Wartawan Mulut
37. Harmonik Berbicara
38. Membangun Dialogue
39. Pahlawan Suara
40. Isyarat Humat
41. Peraga Negara
42. Khara Akan Ide
43. Hope Indonesia
44. Dari Kawasan
45. Kacamata Perdamaian
46. Debunga Distorsi
47. Ritme Bergema
48. Indonesia Cerah
49. Suara Pemungkas
50. Yang Kita Tau

Creative Indonesian Podcast Names

1. Kebangkitan Bicara
2. Petualang Podcast
3. Transisi Lebih Baik
4. Menuju Jejak Kebaikan
5. Bersinergi Kesenian
6. Bicara Ide Bagus
7. Terbang di Kahir Air
8. Sahabat dan Sastra
9. Kuasai Masa Depan
10. Dunia Bercerita
11. Semangat Menerobos
12. Kejutan Cerdas
13. Kausalitas Keberuntungan
14. Melangkah Ke Bercermin
15. Ekonomi Menjadi Mudah
16. Pemantapan Kebijakan
17. Intifada Pemikiran
18. Gempa Kreatif
19. Teori Baru
20. Dialek Serendah Mungkin
21. Bahasa Murni
22. Realita Pendengar
23. Mengungkap Isi Pikiran
24. Merayap di Bawah Langit
25. Kesempatan Suara
26. Kebudayaan dan Kekuatan
27. Konfrontasi Mendebarkan
28. Debat Menyenangkan
29. Kisah Jatuh Bangun
30. Menikmati Kenyamanan
31. Jejak Kesuksesan
32. Bicaralah ke Dunia
33. Buka Mimpi dan Buatlah Mengerti
34. Refleksikan Dunia Baru
35. Wajah Harapan Hidup
36. Sepenuh Rasa Keterbukaan
37. Makna Kebangkitan
38. Dialog Angan Mimpi
39. Prakarsa Ide Baru
40. Dirgahayu Harmoni
41. Semilir Sentuhan Karya
42. Pendengarku Luar Biasa
43. Inspirator Bagasi Pengetahuan
44. Sembah Kebahagiaan
45. Siraman Kata Inspirasi
46. Impian Gelora Pikir
47. Rahasia Gerbang Bicara
48. Tukar Ide Keberanian
49. Art

Cool Indonesian Podcast Names

1. Suara Dunia
2. Penyiaran Bergaya
3. Pendengar Berbagi
4. Mengenang Masa Lalu
5. Dialog Lama
6. Mau Tau Rahasia?
7. Liburan Eksklusif
8. Gairah Radio
9. Ketemu orang Baru
10. Gimana Caranya
11. Melihat Mana Yang Terbaik
12. Timenya Kanan
13. Kecantikan dan Gayanya
14. Pemikiran Baru
15. Musik Untuk Anda
16. Pesta Kata-kata
17. Lagu Seru
18. Pelajaran Kesukaan
19. Mendengarkan Dunia
20. Cinta dan Intrik
21. Saingi Laider
22. Menulis Untuk Berbagi
23. Ngevlog
24. Kembara Koleksi
25. Pakar Keterampilan
26. Beranda Cinta
27. Sentuhan Keajaiban
28. Kota Miripfi
29. Pencari Inspirasi
30. Beri Vibes Besar
31. Serial Humor
32. Kenangan Jadi Cerita
33. Semangat Ramah
34. Masa Depan Santai
35. Indonesia Tanah Air
36. Pengembangan Bisnis
37. Keliling Dunia
38. Hitam Putih Kebahagiaan
39. Jam Kerja Keras
40. Ceria Dengan Tawa
41. Petualangan Di Hati
42. Irama Cerah
43. Shoping Seru
44. Simpan Kebahagiaan
45. Yang Sejati
46. Menuju Cahaya
47. Apresiasi Seni
48. Meludah di Radio
49. Monolog Gaya
50. Bikin Senang saja.

Unique Indonesian Podcast Names

1. Jalanan Radio
2. Suara Entah
3. Senar Kuliner
4. Kota Cerita
5. Bentuk Rileks
6. Cerita Istimewa
7. Kultur Majalah
8. Ketawa Terbaik
9. Musik Lokal
10. Rasa-rasa Lezat
11. Bintang Nusantara
12. Film Teman
13. Aksi Petualangan
14. Pamflet Melodi
15. Bicara Ukauka
16. Geleng-geleng Suara
17. Café Qontemporer
18. Lakon Lukisan
19. Warkop Waktu
20. Stat-Stat Keren
21. Berbagi Jalanan
22. Kumpulan Kuasa
23. Suara Masa Depan
24. Bicara Bangkit
25. Diskusi Nasional
26. Ngalor-Ngidul Akustik
27. Memo Mengagumkan
28. Sayur Populer
29. Sejarah Bicara
30. Rekaman Dampak
31. Ulah Tubrukan
32. Hentak Basa
33. Maraton Mikrofon
34. Jazz Langkah Perbualan
35. Numar Pemikiran
36. Oh My Radio
37. Profil Puitis
38. ShowBiz Spesial
39. Permainan Media
40. Jazz Rumba
41. Tari Tempo
42. Pendengar Hadiah
43. Pantun Permadi
44. Teriak suara
45. Kepribadian Cinta
46. Transisi Gliwis
47. Berat cetakan
48. Monolog Damai
49. Gotif Kuno
50. Tanda generasi

Cute Indonesian Podcast Names

1. Kicau Manis
2. Membangkitkan Semangat
3. Guruku Indah
4. Puisi dan Musik
5. Lagu Ceria
6. Suara Kebahagiaan
7. Bicaralah yang Baik
8. Suara Petualangan
9. Cahaya Surga
10. Suara Gembira
11. Ucapan Terindah
12. Semua Tentang Cinta
13. Suara Seni
14. Pemandangan Ceria
15. Harmonisasi Suara
16. Ketenangan Jiwa
17. Irama Keriangan
18. Cerita Tersenyum
19. Gemi Damai
20. Api Inspirasi
21. Suara ke Vibrancy
22. Rona Cinta
23. Suara Berwarna
24. Surfing Iman
25. Pengakuan Cinta
26. Enjoyable Talks
27. Soulful Talks
28. Berbagi Petualangan
29. Suara Lubuk
30. Cahaya Bersinar
31. Melodi Hati
32. Menginspirasi Tales
33. Suara Keharmonisasi
34. Bahan Ucapan
35. Togetherness Show
36. Suara damai
37. Gelora Kreativitas
38. Sergutkan Semangat
39. Suara Keberkatan
40. Ketenangan Musik
41. Dialog Inspiratif
42. Suara Anak Muda
43. Pemandangan Kreatif
44. Harmonisasi Hidup
45. Cahaya Singa
46. Petualangan Inspirasi
47. Suara Kesuksesan
48. Suara Persahabatan
49. Ide Berkembang
50. Suara Kemerdekaan

Clever Indonesian Podcast Names

1. Pintar Podcast
2. Jakarta Gila
3. Suara Embun
4. Diskusi Berbahasa
5. Kicauan Kampung
6. Menemukan Kebenaran
7. Dendang Suara
8. Asia Baru
9. Mahabharata
10. Cerita-cerita Nusantara
11. Untaian Dalam
12. Kisah Jalanan
13. Samudra Kata
14. Mandor Ombak
15. Mentarikan Semangat
16. Siaga Intelektual
17. Wacana Media
18. Kisah-kisah Reka
19. Rahasia Kamar
20. Suara di Selatan
21. Topeng-topeng Budaya
22. Pelajar Percaya
23. Pangeran Musik
24. Cipta Rasa
25. Melintir Inspirasi
26. Eksekusi Warisan
27. Menara Pengetahuan
28. Mencari Petuah
29. Menapak Wawasan
30. Sajak Petualangan
31. Harmony Berpengetahuan
32. Berjarak Terapan
33. Wawancara Realitas
34. Kisah Dinamika
35. Rahasia Kerajaan
36. Melayang Lagu
37. Itikad-Itikad Baru
38. Bergabung Kreatif
39. Mimpi Boleh
40. Suara Bersama
41. Merinding Realitas
42. Rindukan Kebahagiaan
43. Mahameru Untuk Semua
44. Bermimpi bersama
45. Anak Kampung Bicara
46. Kisah Ngaum-ngaum
47. Alam Fantasi
48. Estafet Inspirasi
49. Gaharu Kuliner
50. Mencari Hanyutan

Great Indonesian Podcast Names

1. The True Stories of Bali
2. Talking Jakarta
3. Archipelago Chat
4. Terang Kasih
5. Jakarta Tide
6. Journey Through Java’s Landscapes
7. The East Java Rundown
8. Borneo Talk
9. Listen In with Lombok
10. West Sumatra Spark
11. Sulawesi Sunrise
12. Aceh Adventures
13. Kalimantan Check-In
14. Talking Maluku
15. Maumere Memoirs
16. Makassar Vibes
17. Singgalang Sound
18. Exploring the Nusatenggara
19. Selembar Paparan
20. Real Wisdom From The Coast
21. Java Fortunes
22. Makanan Kulit from Bandung
23. Hanging Out in The Highlands
24. Learn the Gold Coast
25. Floating the Inland Seas
26. Lombok Lows and Highs
27. Tales From The Archipelago
28. High Noon In Medan
29. District Dialogues
30. Finding Bandung’s Gems
31. The Flores Feast
32. Beyond the Borders
33. Touring West Papuan Tastes
34. The Java Beat
35. Map to Adventure
36. All Sumatra Under One Roof
37. Malaysian Listeners
38. Glimpsing Gorontalo
39. Journalling Yogyakarta
40. Sunsets Of Papua
41. Reverse the Flow
42. Stories from the Mosaic
43. Singing Seram
44. Voices of Java
45. Bali Boogie
46. Kalimantan’s Calling
47. The Lazy Sumba
48. Baluran Jam
49. Exploring Maluku’s Roots
50. Traditions Through Aceh


Best Tips for Naming Your Indonesian Podcast


  • Keep it short: Aim for a concise name that’s easy to remember and won’t be truncated in podcast directories.
  • Use 1-3 keywords max: Make your podcast searchable/SEO-rich by adding 1-3 keywords in the name, but avoid keyword stuffing it.
  • Keep it relevant: Make sure your podcast name reflects your show’s topic or theme.
  • Say it out loud: Test your podcast name by saying it aloud to make sure it sounds good and rolls off the tongue.
  • Make it easy to say/spell: Avoid complicated or obscure words and spellings that might confuse potential listeners.
  • Avoid the word ‘podcast’: Your show is already listed in podcast directories, so you don’t need to include the word ‘podcast’ in the name.
  • Avoid existing show names: Research similar podcast names and avoid using one that’s already taken to prevent confusion.
  • Get feedback from peers: Ask for honest feedback from friends or colleagues to gauge their thoughts and impressions of your podcast name.
  • Use name generators: Utilize podcast name generators to help brainstorm ideas and generate unique and creative names.


Indonesian Podcast Names FAQs


1. Do podcast name matter?

Your podcast name is the first thing potential listeners will see and hear about your show. It’s the name that will appear on directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and it’s the name that people will use to search for your show. In short, your podcast name is one of the most important elements of your brand. A great podcast name can help you stand out in a crowded field, attract new listeners, and establish your podcast as a must-listen.


2. How to check if my indonesian podcast name is taken?

To check if a podcast name is taken, start with a Google search, then search every podcast directory like Apple Podcast, Spotify, and others. Use Namecheap to check domain availability & Namecheckr to check social handles availability. Avoid using existing/trademarked podcast names.


3. Can two podcasts have the same name?

Technically yes, over two podcasts can have the same name in the US, unless one holds a trademark. But, having a unique name can help with brand recognition and avoid confusion. Before launching a new podcast, it’s crucial to check for existing names and pick an unused name.


4. Should I use my real name on a podcast?

Using your real name on a podcast is a personal decision that depends on your comfort level with privacy and public exposure. Consider the content and purpose of your podcast, potential audience, and potential consequences before making a decision.


5. Can I change my podcast name later?

Yes, you can change your podcast name later. However, it’s important to consider the potential impact on your branding, audience recognition, and SEO. Updating your podcast name may require changes to your artwork, website, and social media accounts.


6. How long should a podcast name be?

A podcast name should be concise and memorable, ideally between 3-5 words and no more than 50 characters. This allows for easy recognition and sharing on social media platforms.


How To Start An Indonesian Podcast

1. Choose Your Niche

Select a passion for your podcast, like true crime or tech trends, to resonate with your audience.

2. Pick a Podcast Name

Brainstorm catchy names that are relevant and memorable, as your podcast name is your brand.

3. Quality Equipment

Invest in a decent microphone, headphones, and audio editing software for clear and crisp audio.

4. Content Plan

Outline episodes in advance, plan topics, structure, and consider engaging your audience with podcast questions.

5. Recording and Editing

Find a quiet space to record and edit out unnecessary elements for a polished final product.

6. Hosting Platform

Choose a reliable hosting platform like Libsyn, Podbean, or Anchor for storing and distributing your episodes.

7. Publish and Promote

Once polished, publish on your platform and promote through social media, collaborations, and audience engagement.


Other Podcast Names

Anime Podcast Names
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Christian Podcast Names
College Football Podcast Names
Comedy Podcast Names
Couples Podcast Names
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Dating Podcast Names
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Educational Podcast Names
Entertainment Podcast Names
Family Podcast Names
Fashion Podcast Names
Female Podcast Names
Filipino Podcast Names
Finance Podcast Names
Financial Podcast Names
Football Podcast Names
Friends Podcast Names
Fun Podcast Names
Funny Podcast Names
Gaming Podcast Names
Gay Podcast Names
Girl Podcast Names
Gossip Podcast Names
Guys Podcast Names
Halloween Podcast Names
Harry Potter Podcast Names
Health Podcast Names
Hip Hop Podcast Names
History Podcast Names
Hockey Podcast Names
Horror Podcast Names
HR Podcast Names
Indonesian Podcast Names
Inspirational Podcast Names
Interview Podcast Names
Islamic Podcast Names
K-Pop Podcast Names
Law Podcast Names
Leadership Podcast Names
Legal Podcast Names
LGBTQ Podcast Names
Life Podcast Names
Lifestyle Podcast Names
Literary Podcast Names
Mental Health Podcast Names
MMA Podcast Names
Mom Podcast Names
Motivational Podcast Names
Movies Podcast Names
Music Podcast Names
News Podcast Names
NFL Podcast Names
Nursing Podcast Names
Outdoor Podcast Names
Paranormal Podcast Names
Parenting Podcast Names
Personal Podcast Names
Queer Podcast Names
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Religious Podcast Names
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Science Podcast Names
Serial Killer Podcast Names
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Spiritual Podcast Names
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Star Wars Podcast Names
Storytime Podcast Names
Students Podcast Names
Teacher Podcast Names
Therapy Podcast Names
Travel Podcast Names
True Crime Podcast Names
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Weed Podcast Names
Wellness Podcast Names
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Youtube Channel Podcast Names
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Tech Podcast Names
Pop Culture Podcast Names
Teenager Podcast Names
Husband And Wife Podcast Names
Medical Podcast Names
Marketing Podcast Names
Healthcare Podcast Names
Fitness Podcast Names



In conclusion, coming up with a great podcast name is important for attracting the right listeners and building your brand.

Hope you enjoyed reading this blog. If you want us to help you start an indonesian podcast, let’s chat 🦜

If you need help with editing, visit best podcast editing service today.

Happy podcasting 🎤!

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