Hey there, 👋

Ever found yourself scratching your head, struggling to come up with killer questions for your quiz podcast? 🤯

We get it.

Crafting the perfect questions is an art.

But, fear not! 😋

This blog is here to rescue you with over 100 fantastic ideas, ensuring your podcast stands out. And, you never run out of ideas.

Looking for more podcast questions for other topic, check our list of podcast questions.

So, let’s dive in! 🤞


Need a hand with editing or production?

We’ve got your back – let us know! 🦜


Best Quiz Podcast Questions Ideas

Here are 100 excellent quiz podcast questions you can use, broken into categories:

Easy Quiz Podcast Questions

1. What inspired you to pursue your current career or hobby?
2. What is your favorite book or movie and why?
3. What is the most interesting place you have ever visited and what made it so memorable?
4. What is your favorite food or cuisine and why?
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Good Quiz Podcast Questions

6. What is the most challenging experience you have faced in your life and how did you overcome it?
7. Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
8. What is your favorite song or music genre and why?
9. If you could travel back in time to any era, which one would you choose and why?
10. What is your favorite quote or motto that you live by?

Great Quiz Podcast Questions

11. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your life so far?
12. If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
13. What is your favorite hobby or activity to do in your free time?
14. What is the best advice you have ever received and who gave it to you?
15. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

Icebreaker Quiz Podcast Questions

16. What is your favorite childhood memory and why?
17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose and why?
18. What is your favorite type of exercise or physical activity and why?
19. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why?
20. What is the most interesting fact about yourself that most people don’t know?

Interesting Quiz Podcast Questions

21. What is your favorite quote from a book or movie and why?
22. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?
23. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done and what made it so thrilling?
24. If you could have a conversation with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
25. What is your favorite memory from your school days and why?

Unique Quiz Podcast Questions

26. What is the most important lesson you have learned from a mistake you made?
27. If you could have any talent or skill, what would it be and why?
28. What is your favorite holiday or celebration and why?
29. If you could have a meal with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
30. What is the most meaningful gift you have ever received and why?

Funny Quiz Podcast Questions

31. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
32. What is the funniest joke you know by heart?
33. If you could be any fictional character for a day, who would it be and why?
34. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
35. If you could switch lives with anyone for a week, who would it be and why?

Deep Quiz Podcast Questions

36. What is your biggest fear and how do you cope with it?
37. If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
38. What is the most important lesson you have learned about relationships?
39. If you could have any career for a day, what would it be and why?
40. What is the most meaningful experience you have had volunteering or giving back to your community?

Storytelling Quiz Podcast Questions

41. What is the most interesting thing you have learned recently and how did you come across it?
42. If you could have any fictional character as a best friend, who would it be and why?
43. What is the most unique or unusual talent you possess?
44. If you could have any job in the entertainment industry, what would it be and why?
45. What is the most inspiring book or movie you have ever read/watched and why?

Open Ended Quiz Podcast Questions

46. If you could have any historical figure as a mentor, who would it be and why?
47. What is the most important lesson you have learned about self-care and mental health?
48. If you could have any superpower, but it came with a downside, what would it be and what would the downside be?
49. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about a different culture and how did you learn about it?
50. If you could have any animal as a spirit guide, what would it be and why?

Rapid-fire Quiz Podcast Questions

51. What is the most adventurous food you have ever tried and what was your reaction?
52. If you could have any fictional technology from a movie or book, what would it be and why?
53. What is the most interesting job you have ever had and what made it so unique?
54. If you could have any historical artifact, what would it be and why?
55. What is the most important lesson you have learned about money and finances?

Controversial Quiz Podcast Questions

56. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?
57. What is your opinion on controversial topics such as abortion, gun control, or climate change?
58. If you could have any celebrity as a mentor, who would it be and why?
59. What is the most difficult decision you have ever had to make and how did you come to your conclusion?
60. What is your opinion on the current political climate and why?

Juicy Quiz Podcast Questions

61. If you could have any career for a day, what would it be and why?
62. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about science and how did you come across it?
63. If you could have any fictional vehicle from a movie or book, what would it be and why?
64. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about history and how did you learn about it?
65. If you could have any animal as a sidekick, what would it be and why?

Weird Quiz Podcast Questions

66. What is the most unusual dream you have ever had and what do you think it meant?
67. If you could have any fictional power, but it only worked once a year, what would it be and why?
68. What is the most interesting conspiracy theory you have heard and do you believe it?
69. If you could have any fictional pet, what would it be and why?
70. What is the most bizarre thing you have ever eaten and where did you try it?

Crazy Quiz Podcast Questions

71. If you could have any historical figure as a dinner guest, who would it be and what would you serve them?
72. What is the most unusual talent you wish you had?
73. If you could have any fictional character as a roommate, who would it be and why?
74. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about space and how did you learn about it?
75. If you could have any animal as a mount, what would it be and why?

Creative Quiz Podcast Questions

76. What is the most important lesson you have learned about love and relationships?
77. If you could have any fictional weapon from a movie or book, what would it be and why?
78. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about art and how did you learn about it?
79. If you could have any historical figure as a travel companion, who would it be and why?
80. What is the most unusual hobby or interest you have and how did you get into it?

Hard Quiz Podcast Questions

81. If you could have any fictional creature as a pet, what would it be and why?
82. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about psychology and how did you learn about it?
83. If you could have any fictional character as a mentor, who would it be and why?
84. What is the most unusual place you have ever visited and what made it so memorable?
85. If you could have any animal as a familiar, what would it be and why?

Random Quiz Podcast Questions

86. What is the most important lesson you have learned about perseverance and resilience?
87. If you could have any fictional character as a partner in crime, who would it be and why?
88. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about technology and how did you learn about it?
89. If you could have any historical figure as a role model, who would it be and why?
90. What is the most unusual talent or skill you have seen someone else possess?

Reflection Quiz Podcast Questions

91. If you could have any fictional character as a best friend, who would it be and why?
92. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about a different religion and how did you learn about it?
93. If you could have any fictional location from a book or movie, where would it be and why?
94. What is the most unusual job you have ever heard of and what does it entail?
95. If you could have any animal as a guardian, what would it be and why?

96. What is the most important lesson you have learned about leadership?
97. If you could have any fictional character as a teacher, who would it be and why?
98. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about a different language and how did you learn about it?
99. If you could have any historical figure as a friend, who would it be and why?
100. What is the most unusual talent or skill you possess?

Closing Quiz Podcast Questions

101. If you could have any fictional character as a travel companion, who would it be and why?
102. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about a different culture’s cuisine and how did you learn about it?
103. If you could have any fictional object from a movie or book, what would it be and why?
104. What is the most unusual place you have ever lived and what was it like?
105. If you could have any animal as a partner in crime, what would it be and why?


Best Tips for Asking Great Quiz Podcast Questions

  1. Research – Learn about your guest beforehand
  2. Audience – Craft questions your listeners want to hear
  3. Open-ended – Encourage discussion, not yes/no answers
  4. Let speak – Don’t interrupt after asking a question
  5. Conversational – Maintain a friendly, natural tone
  6. Structure – Personal to professional question types
  7. Avoid repetition – Don’t ask questions they’re always asked
  8. Signature – Have one question you ask every guest
  9. Flexible – Adapt based on the guest’s responses
  10. Icebreakers – Start with light personal questions


Should I Send Quiz Podcast Questions Upfront?

In general, it is not advisable to send your quiz podcast questions in advance, as it can result in rehearsed and scripted responses, detracting from the authenticity of the conversation.

It is recommended to allow for a natural flow, encouraging unplanned moments and genuine reactions.

While not providing specific questions, giving guests an outline or discussing general topics beforehand can help strike a balance between structure and spontaneity during podcast interviews.


How To Start A Quiz Podcast

So, you’ve decided to dive into the exciting world of podcasting! Congratulations, you’re about to embark on a creative and rewarding endeavor. Here’s a brief guide to help you get started:

1. Choose Your Niche

Select a topic you’re passionate about; it could be anything from true crime to tech trends. Your enthusiasm will resonate with your audience.

2. Pick a Podcast Name

Brainstorm catchy and memorable names for your podcast. Make it relevant to your content and easy to remember. Your podcast name is your brand, so choose wisely. Find a podcast name ideas list here.

3. Invest in Quality Equipment

While you don’t need a professional studio, invest in a decent microphone, headphones, and audio editing software. Clear and crisp audio is key to retaining listeners.

4. Create a Content Plan

Outline your episodes in advance. Plan your topics, structure, and any guests you might want to feature. Consistency is key to building an audience.

5. Recording and Editing

Find a quiet space to record your episodes. Edit out any unnecessary elements to maintain a polished final product.

6. Choose a Hosting Platform

Select a reliable podcast hosting platform to store and distribute your episodes. Popular options include Libsyn, Podbean, and Anchor.

7. Publish and Promote

Once your episode is polished, publish it on your chosen hosting platform. Promote it on social media, collaborate with other podcasters, and engage with your audience.

For a complete guide, check out this blog on How To Start A Podcast.


Other Topic Podcast Questions

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Wrap Up!

That’s a wrap, podcast pals! Armed with your new question arsenal, go forth and create some epic content.

Need a hand with editing or production?

We’ve got your back – let us know! 🦜

If you’re a B2B business looking to start/improve your podcast, our B2B Podcast Agency is here to help!

Happy podcasting! 👋

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